Rendering configuration
● bounces: number
Defined in options.ts:16
Total light bounces
● cheapNormals: boolean
Defined in options.ts:24
Use cheaper normal calculation
● epsilon: number
Defined in options.ts:12
A value close to 0
● gamma: number
Defined in options.ts:30
Scene gamma for exposure adjustment
● height: number
Defined in options.ts:10
Render target height in pixels
● iterations: number
Defined in options.ts:18
Iterations per frame
● memory: number
Defined in options.ts:22
Percentage of scene that remains after each iteration. Use a value less than 1 for an animated scene
● stepFactor: number
Defined in options.ts:28
Step factor used to determine rate or raymarching advancement. 0 to 1. Smaller numbers can reduce artifacts.
● steps: number
Defined in options.ts:14
Raymarching iteration count
● width: number
Defined in options.ts:8
Render target width in pixels